[VIDEO] A Look At Audemars Piguet Art Basel Miami Beach and Theo Jansen's Strandbeest

At this year's Art Basel in Miami Beach, Audemars Piguet partnered with the imaginative Dutch artist, Mr. Theo Jansen, to exhibit his renowned work. Built by hand, alike the manufacturing of a mechanical watch movement, Jansen's almost life-like creations freely move without the assistance of machines or man-power of any sort. These massive structures, known as Strandbeests, represent animals and are composed of umpteen PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) sticks. PVC is a plastic polymer that can be found in many everyday objects, but scarcely is it ever utilized in the art world. Please watch this video for further information and to discover more of Audemars Piguet, visit www.audemarspiguet.com.